Apnea Academy International http://apnea.academy/en/home/
Apnea Academy is the School for the instruction and research of freediving funded and managed by the world champion Umberto Pelizzari. Apnea Academy didactic supports everyone to approach freediving in an aware, safety and fun way. Every lesson consist in theory, practice on relaxing and breathing techniques and practical exercises in the pool and in the sea.
Apnea Discovery: is addressed to whoever wants to test the underwater free-diving with minimum equipment, still learning relaxation and breathing techniques and to “look inside himself” searching for the wellness provided by free diving and to discover , in harmony with the environment, the marvelous underwater world, made of lights and colours no elsewhere found.
Indoor Freediver: is the first course that AA is fully developed in the pool. The goal is to let the student discover the good feelings that only apnea can give with a correct management of breathing and relaxation but also development of sensitivity in water, by listening to your body, to discover the pleasure to dissolve in the liquid that surrounds and become one with the water.
Outdoor freediver: It is the other facet of the medal of the ‘Indoor Freediver’ course as it is developed in open waters or deep pools to discover the emotion of the depth. The goal is to let the student discover the good feelings that only apnea can give with a correct management of breathing and relaxation but also development of sensitivity in water, by listening to the body, to discover the pleasure to dissolve in the liquid that surrounds and become one with the water by experiencing the depth.
First Level: Apnea Academy First Level represents the first approach to free-diving with complete basic equipment. The objective of the course is to reach controlled free-diving by applying relaxation and breathing techniques in order to reach following performances: 1’45” static apnea, 30 m in dynamic and 8 m in depth.
Second Level: Apnea Academy Second Level is to improve the relaxation and breathing techniques by taking advantage of the experience acquired in the first level in order to reach following performances: 2’30” in static, 55 m dynamic and 15 m depth.
Third Level: Apnea Academy Third Level is the highest award for a free diver. By a improvement of its ability to operate in the water, mental and technical training , the free diver will be able to reach 3′ static, 70 m dynamic and 25 m depth.