Equalization Stage

Equalization, in freediving, is the most technical and important part to understand how to improve the descent in the depth and how to overcome the own virtual limit of equalization. Learning the equalization maneuvers and the features of muscles or the parts of body involved in it, allow you to know the proper management and to practice with some specific exercises, dry as well, that will help you in the descent at any depth. Sometimes, for advanced freedivers the real difference and the real limiting factor in the depth depend on a lack of knowledge of its own equalization or on an inefficient management of it.

LEVEL 1 – Frenzel

  • Equalization physiology
  • Basic equalization technique
  • Frenzel maneuver
  • Airshift techniques

LEVEL 2 – Sequenzial Frenzel

The course consists in dry lessons and open water sessions, during which the following topics are discussed:

  • Sequenzial Frenzel
  • Theory and Potential of Sequenzial Frenzel
  • Airshift techniques
  • How to manage the Sequenzial Frenzel
  • Open water sessions

LEVEL 3 – Mouthfill

The course consists in dry lessons and open water sessions, during which the following topics are discussed:

    • Mouthfill
    • Theory and Potential of Mouthfill
    • Dry exercises to manage a perfect Mouthfill
    • Open water sessions